Do You Need Help With A Drinking Problem?

Alcoholics Anonymous

AA National 24 Hour Hotline

Local Help In Bristol
860-589-1066 - Call Us Any Time

Membership Benefits

Become a member and enjoy sober fellowship and fun! Membership offers access to the Club 24/7. Enjoy selected free events, high-speed internet, and regulation size pool table. Membership also includes the NFL package and NASCAR on our 150" HD screen.


Check our schedule for special member events.

Our Meeting Schedule

"A journey of a 1,000 miles begins with the first step".

Welcome to Bristol Recovery Club

Welcome to Bristol Recovery Club
Since 1992, BRC has been providing a sober, safe, supportive, and positive environment for persons desiring to remain free of the negative influences of alcohol and drugs.
Our hope is to bring the message of recovery and freedom to the community by providing fellowship, social events, and educational materials.
We welcome all men, women and children who are in any way affected by the disease of alcoholism/addiction and wish to learn the tools for sober living. We also provide rental space for Twelve-Step Recovery meetings.
BRC is a non-profit organization with an all volunteer staff funded in part through donations & room rentals.

Need Help Now - Have Questions - Call 860-589-1066

Stay Tuned

Be sure to also subscribe to our newsletter to received up to date news, announcements, and meeting information.

Breakfast is Every Saturday

Leave The Cooking To Us!
Breakfast is Every Saturday
The Club is serving up an awesome breakfast with your choice of pancakes, french toast, eggs any style, home fries, bacon, sausage, toast, coffee and juice. $7.00
NEW TIME 7-10 AM Good food & fellowship

Meeting Schedule


Audio Files

Luncheon with Lois W , 1977 (34 min)

Doc Carey at St Johns (44 min)

Let the Bum Find Us (Part 1) (70 min)

Let the Bum Find Us (Part 2) (20 min)

Lorna K-NY-1999-CT Legacy Breakfast (74 min)

Marie M, Cheshire, CT, June 2008 (31 min)